Welcome To All My Visitors
Dear Visitor,
This Blog is designed for reflect all my IT Security Experience & The Management Skills in all their fields , I Share it with everybody, I will try to share all my knowledge with you , in a best way I can to give you the best benefit.
Also I will share with you all the Security Articles that I like it to share the benefits with you also,
If you are looking for :
- Security Basics, Security Solutions, Security hotfix info, Security Advices, Ethical Hacking, Pen-Test, Certifications, Work & Job Skills, Proposal Writing, Security Info, Management Skills, Short Online Training, ArcSight Knowledge Base
So you are in the right blog place.
Please see the Blog Categories to browse my blogs it will make you reach to the needed information fast.
Also don't forget to send me your feedback about the Blog, this will give me the chance to enhance it.
PS: to follow all the new posts that I add it in the near future , just register as follower or in the e-mails subscriptions.
Good Luck Regards
Ramy Al Damaty
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (GMT +3)
Information Security Components
Information Security Components: or qualities, i.e., Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). Information Systems are decomposed in three main portions, hardware, software and communications with the purpose to identify and apply information security industry standards, as mechanisms of protection and prevention, at three levels or layers: Physical, personal and organizational.
Essentially, procedures or policies are implemented to tell people (administrators, users and operators)how to use products to ensure information security within the organizations.
Blog Categories
- Pen-Test (11)
- CEH - Hacking (7)
- Security Info (5)
- Proposal Writing (4)
- Advices (2)
- Definitions (2)
- PMP (2)
- Security Advices (1)
- Security Tools (1)